Batting Circuit Practice Plan

The batting circuit described below will cycle your team through several stations in a timely manor. The plan will help you focus on and accomplish your goals. Planning will keep all of your players working on something. You do not want any player standing around being bored.

It is important that each coach/helper understands the compact swing. The players should hear the same information from each station to re-enforce the importance of a proper compact swing. Take the time to teach the coaches/helpers to insure the players will not get conflicting and confusing instruction.
The total batting circuit means each player will have spent 30 minutes focusing on actual hitting or bunting. Each station should have one player doing station and one player ready on deck. That way when time has come to rotate stations, no time is wasted. The player who just finished station 1 can rotate to station 2 and become the on deck player there. The on deck person can observe and learn from what the player is doing at that station. Any players that are not doing a station or on deck can rotate over to shag balls at station 5. If you have 12 players on your team and they are all at practice, the timing of this circuit is 1-1/2 hours if you keep it moving. You may need a designated time keeper to keep things on track.

Requires 5 coaches or helpers and one person tracking time

Station 1

2 minutes of plastic bat & balls right hand only swing of knee

2 minutes left hand only

2 minutes both hands

Station 2

2 minutes off tee behind back, squish the bug

2 minutes off tee slow easy perfect compact swings

2 minutes off tee full speed compact swings

Station 3

2 or 4 minutes soft toss into net or fence (if no problem, only 2 minutes)

2 to 4 minutes soft toss broom stick and wiffle golf balls

Station 4

2 minutes bunt straight

2 minutes bunt 1st base line

2 minutes bunt 3rd base line

Station 5

2 minutes bunting, pitching machine or live pitching

4 minutes hitting, pitching machine or live pitching

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You Are Important

The coach is the person who communicates with parents, players, umpires, other coaches and your local associations. You facilitate the team by making sure all the equipment is there when it is needed. Most important are the players. You are teaching more than the skills and strategies of fastpitch. The ability to gracefully deal with success and failure, the persistence to keep trying and the confidence that these young ladies learn from you is priceless.

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